
After graduating from The Pennsylvania State University in 2018 with a degree in Chemical Engineering, I accepted an offer from Equipment and Controls, Inc. which is a part of the Emerson Impact Partner network. This company served many industries including but not limited to Chemical, Power Generation, Refining and Upgrading, Metals, and Oil and Gas.

Beginning my career in Final Control Solutions (FCS), I focused on the custom sizing and selection of valves and regulators serving companies in the industries mentioned above. After a proven track record of success of surpassing all sales and performance goals, I was assigned high priority accounts categorized by forecasted revenue. In this role I was able to hone in on my communication skills as the position was customer facing requiring me to be in constant contact with customers and vendors. A high level breakdown of the duties I performed are 25% sales (B2B and B2C), 25% engineering, and 50% internal and external communication. Due to my success in FCS I was asked to move to another division, Remote Automation Solutions (RAS), that was struggling and in need. I accepted the request to move and took it as an opportunity to broaden my knowledge base and expand my skillset.

The Remote Automation Solutions (RAS) group obtained over 90% of it's revenue from the Oil and Gas industry. The goal of my positions in this group were to provide full engineered solutions to end users with a full slate of equipment to automate their processes. I worked with companies at all stages of natural gas production (upstream, midstream, and downstream) which gave me a great deal of knowledge of how the industry operates. I was really able to develop myself into an autonomous, efficient, successful, and driven professional as I faced extreme challenges, pressures, and difficulties to keep up with the immense and demanding workload in a shorthanded group as the Oil and Gas industry recovered. I worked in this group for a little over a year as well before I made a monumental decision to alter the pathway of my career.

I once envisioned myself as a worker in the ever so evolving tech industry and have decided to whole heartedly pursue that opportunity. I have been acquiring the skills necessary to be successful in the tech industry that will compliment the transferable skills and knowledge I already exude.